How do I register?
In the top right of the home page, click on Register.
If you already have an account on one of the sites listed, stop here. You may log in using that same account information. Otherwise, fill in the fields below correctly and completely.

Please be sure to include your Middle Name. You may only select "No Middle Name" if your government issued Identification does not include a Middle Name. We will use your state/provencial code here for identification purposes if deemed necessary. Do not use initials for any parts of your name. It should match your government issued ID.

Country is part of the address to which your prize items are being shipped, while Country of Residence
is where you currently live. It is acceptable to use your actual Country here, as long as prizes are shipped to an Address in North America.

KONAMI CARD GAME ID is your 10-digit CARD GAME ID, not your KONAMI ID. This number should resemble "0101234567". You should not use a new CARD GAME ID if you have had one in the past. If you do not know your CARD GAME ID, we can look it up for you. If you have never been issued one, you can get one here.

If you are under the age of 13, please have your parent or guardian reach out to event staff for assistance. You may not
participate in any Remote Duel events without parent/guardian consent.

When you are finished, click Register.
You now have a Registered Account. The next step is to use the navigation bar at the top of the page to find your way around the site.

If you intend to play in Remote Duel events, you will need to add your Discord account(s) to your User Profile. Click Profile near the top of the page.

This is the Account Management page where you can view your information, Discord Accounts, Prize Shipments, and Add Credit to your Account. Banked Prizing is not yet used.

Click Discord Accounts
and then click Add New Discord Account.

When the new window appears, click Authorize
to grant access to the bot to assign your account to your User Profile.